Hendrick Sihombing, S.Mg & Lavina Chika Marda, S.E

Through the programs of Arts and Performing Arts, students learned some of what lies behind the concept of diversity and developed research, critical, analytical thinking skills, exercised their creativity and gained confidence from presenting and performing.

The students got to learn a lot about cultures, diversity even differences of faith or religion and push to understand the difference of one to another. Eventually they would learn from not knowing anything to knowing quite a lot, make comparison and come to reasonable conclusion.

The teachers and students put their heads together, made some research, use foreign languages, English and Mandarin, choose some clothing from certain region, traditional and modern dances and poured all into a set of drama, make a script and scenario and adapt to it.

We call it learning art, culture and performance in the fun way. The students joyfully turning off their mobile phone and other gadgets and tuning in to the designated role of players and stimulating imagination. Performing Arts could help overcome illiteracy, motivate interaction and awaken imagination.

STI considered Performing Arts through the narratives, devoted innovative arts, programming offered fresh air to the students. It is antidote to high-tech age as we all live in an uncertain and more difficult complex world yet to come.

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